Thursday, December 30, 2010

Let us pray happily that the new year conquer us and we go beyond it

Let the new year conquer us and we go beyond it

Let us receive the New Year with passive receptivity. Let us become a gesture of passive receptivity, just a womb, ready to be impregnated by the new year, waiting, welcoming, praying, but in no way expecting and seeking; no effort to conquer it. Let us remain passive and pray that we should be conquered. In our defeat is our victory; let our surrender conquer the time and take us beyond it. It is in total surrender, one reaches beyond. And it can happen any moment here, we need not go anywhere: all that is needed comes to us.

let us receive the new year with more love and gratitude

Thanks giving

for all the things I experienced

Blessed I am

For the love that happening in my life

For the sensitivity that grows in my heart

For the calmness that silence my mind

For the compassion I feel
For the understanding i seek
For the receptivity that happening

For the meditation I love

For the awareness I grow with

For the simplicity that life giving

For the air I breath

For the food I eat

For the knowing that happens in heart
For the seeing the unknown that mind witnesses

Blessed I am

For each freshness of morning breezes

For each warm activating sunrises

For each silken soothing nights

For each calming moon lights

For the twinkling of stars

For the raining clouds

For the happening of seasons

For the richness of nature

For the hugeness of mountains,

For the vastness of the seas,

For the flow of rivers

For the generosity forest

And all that surrounds me

All that comforts I avail,

All that growth I experience

All that love that guides

All that surrenders that encounters

All that gratitude that transcends

I thank you the divine

The deep power

My journey of this life is

Becoming simpler now

With no grievances, with no grudge

Making this moment of life

More enjoyable, more blessed and free.

Come, the krshnas, the Buddhas, the Jesuss, the Allahs

Let us receive the New Year

With more love, more gratitude,

And let surrender happen everywhere on its own,

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Christmas

When Jesus says 'AND KNOW THAT I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD' it is very obvious for an enlightened soul to say so as it is available forever , forever. He has become part of foreverness, he has become part of eternity, he has become part of God! He cannot go anywhere. He is with us until the end of the world. And whenever we want we can partake of him. The question is are we availing him ? availing the intoxication called Jesus, availing awareness called jesus, enjoying the beauty called jesus ? The sun is there, and it is there always for ever, but if we are sitting with closed eyes, inside our room with all the windows and doors closed. How can we avail the sunlight. Let us come out become open and avail the sunlight of Jesus. And Let us Christified. ‘Happy Christmas’

Monday, December 13, 2010


Except human beings, no one asks question. It is the anxiety of human mind which creates questions and then supplies the answers also. The questions are meaningless, hence the answers also. But the anxiety of mind will not allow us at ease unless we find the answers. And thus continues the monologue with self. It is the human mind asking and the human mind answering. It is just hide-and-seek of the same mind. If one is aware at the absurdity of the human mind one can transcend the human mind completely. Then there is no question, and then there is no answer. There is no purpose, and there is no cause. Then living itself is enough.