Saturday, February 20, 2010

God cannot be inferred, we have to live it.

Man is obsessed with reasoning. He judges everything through reasoning. With reasoning, man can touch the periphery only, he cannot penetrate the centre. Reason never penetrates the real core. Arrogance of reasoning has taken man, away from God. Through reason man can at the most ‘know About God’ but not ‘Know God’. The real core is missed. To know ‘About God ’ is not to ‘Know God’. ‘To know about’ is only acquaintance and not knowing. It is borrowed, it is somebody else's. God can be known and lived only through love. He cannot be inferred. He is supra-logical. Man cannot understand him through reason. To know God , one has to be in love. We have to learn the art of love. We need to be a lover, We need to be a singer, We need to be a dancer. God is the center which resides in love. If we love, if we love enough, that love itself becomes the evidence, absolute evidence; even if the whole world says there is no God, it cannot shake the truth. Because God is love.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Prayer brings Krshna

Prayer is a preparation to welcome Krshna and to express our gratitude and thankfulness for whatever existence has done . He is expected. We have to prepare ourselves. Prayer is the way. Prayer is a mood of welcoming. It need not be formal. It need not be scriptural. It should be heartful, spontaneous and arise from heart. Even a babbling will do. Like the small child’s babbling, which attracts the mother and people around the child with its sweetness. Let the prayer in the beginning be like babbling. A babbled prayer attracts Krshna the most. Let our prayers be spontaneous, direct, and arise from our heart. Let our prayer be deep and soaked in tears with our happiness and bliss. Definitely our prayer will be heard. Our babbling will be heard. And in that moment in our temple of silence Krshna will enter as innocent consciousness. It is heard that after getting enlightment Buddha said “what has happened to me can happen to all”. Yes it is true , What has happened to one man is the birthright of all.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Be rejoice, love grows in rejoice and in love we grow with god

Be playful and rejoice. In rejoice grows love and in love, we grow with God. This is the message Krshna says. Love grows in rejoice. The more we rejoice, the more we are able to love and both help each other. The more we love, the more we rejoice and the result: God also takes part in our rejoice. He comes closer and closer and start living with Us. If this is understood, then nothing is left to be understood. Rejoice in love, because love is the door to Krshna. Yes only love is the door to krshna. Love should be playful. It should not be a burden or it should not be serious . Love should be a dance to be danced, a song to be sung. Krshna is very close to us when we are in playfulness. Man is never more playful than when he is in love. In playfulness alone one is as innocent as a child. And when one is innocent, like a child and playful, Krshna is just around the corner ready to play with us. In rejoice love grows and in love we grow with krshna.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Divine is drawn in love and there is no other door to the divine than love. Only love is divine and everything divine is rooted in love. The more we become love; the closer we are to god. And if one can dissolve completely into love, one becomes one with god.

The beauty of love is, it is available free. It seems all that is really valuable in life is available free. Like the air that we breathe. The problem is, man has been going on polluting it and destroying it and thereby the very source of life. Society has been polluting love from the very beginning. They have destroyed the whole energy of it, They have poisoned the very source of love. And the price, world has gone too much into hate and ocean of hatred is everywhere. Now we need thousands of Krshnas, Buddhas, Christs to change the prevailing climate of hatred.

Love has to be reclaimed, because just as the body cannot exist without air, the soul cannot exist without love. Love is needed for soul to survive. But man is moving without soul. He become almost a crowd, with no soul within, with no self within, just a circumference without any centre. This is the misery, the madness. One really does not know who he is. He is not centered. There are many people inside him and everybody claims 'I am you.' Man become split with many faces. And those faces go on changing. In the morning we are one, by the afternoon we are another. We are a constant battleground of these many selves. One self decides one thing; another self immediately cancels it. There is a continuous fight going on. Man remains in a war-field. Man is not centered, man’s centre remains darkened. It starves of love, Love is taken away from it. Unless love arrives, the centre remains darkened. Unless love comes in one is into pieces, there is no possibility of any blissful growth.

A man is said to be in love, when he is centered, when his being is silent. It is the quality of being a no-mind, of being silent. Consciousness is the space. In silent blooms love. Love is the song of silence. A Buddha is love, a Jesus is love .Their love was not with a particular person, but simply they become love. Their very climate is love, spreading in all directions. Whosoever comes close to a Buddha will feel it, will be showered by it . And it is unconditional. Love makes no conditions, no ifs, no buts. Love is like breathing, when it happens one is simply love. It does not matter who comes close to, the sinner or the saint. Whosoever comes close to, starts feeling the vibe of love, is rejoiced. Giving of love happens only when one is capable of giving. Love has to arise in. Love first has to happen in the deepest core of our being. And when it arises in us, it is so much, it is unbearable. Its pleasure is so unbearable. It is heavy like the clouds which are full of rain; they HAVE to shower, they HAVE to rain, they HAVE to unburden themselves.

In love no one goes bankrupt. The more we give, the more we have, because in our silent being we are joined with the oceanic, the divine source of all. And can go on sharing. More and more goes on flowing in us. It goes on welling up.

This is the message of valentine’s day : let love arise, help love to grow. Put everything at the door of love, sacrifice whatsoever is needed to be sacrificed, because nothing is more valuable than love. With love, one is really born. we will need millions of people who are capable of love, unconditionally, without asking anything in return, and who are silent and blissful that wherever they are they will be able to dissipate hatred