Man has to become like the early morning breeze, the breeze, just before the sun rise, which is known for its freshness, aliveness and purity. Man has to be that fresh, that alive and that pure. Only through that freshness and aliveness God be contacted. Krshna the source of all life is contacted. It is not accident, all religions have chosen early morning as prayer time, the time to receive God. We become very dusty & go on gathering dust. Our very being is polluted. Pollution is not in atmosphere, it is in our being. When our being is polluted, we start polluting nature. When a man feels utterly hellish inside, he starts creating hell outside. Only corpses move around. No aliveness, no freshness, no sensitivity. In-spite of all we go on asking 'Where god is ? And all the quality in which krshna can be reflected is missing. The whole science of religion should be towards one goal: how to purify the inner being of man, how to drop the past, the burden, the dead, the dull, how to make man more sensitive The deeper the sensitivity, the deeper we penetrate existence. And God is the very core of existence. Unless we penetrate our own core there is no possibility of contacting the source of all life: the Krshna.”
Monday, November 30, 2009
become like morning breeze, you are with krshna
Saturday, November 21, 2009
man is the potention and much has to be actualised
Move to origin krshna loves you
the state of infinite contentment is krshna
only love has light
Love is the only hope
in love no one is atheist
Sunday, November 15, 2009
what we are the same comes to us
What we are the same comes to us.
Whatever we are, the same comes to us. If we are blissful, we become even more blissful. If we can laugh, more dimensions will be added to our laughter. If we can dance, more and more rhythm will come to our dance. If we can sing, the whole sky will sing with us, the mountain ranges will sing with us, the moon and stars will sing with us. And if we start crying, and start feeling disturbed, then disturbance will move towards us from all directions. We attract the same as what we are. This is the absolute law of life. Whatever we are, the same comes to us. That is why a happy man goes on becoming more happy. A peaceful man goes on becoming more peaceful. A disturbed person goes on becoming more disturbed, a miserable person goes on becoming more miserable. Become krshna and say it with flute and dance, gladden and fill the hearts with melody, dance, happiness, and bliss