Logic raises questions; it goes on raising. That is the nature of our logical mind. And if we go on following those logical questions, we can go on ad infinitum. Let us for a change put aside our mind -- its logic, its reasoning and for few moments try to be without thought. And if we, even for a single moment, can achieve that state of non-thought or thoughtlessness, we will come to realize that the part is equal to the whole, because suddenly we will see all the boundaries have disappeared. All the divisions have disappeared. Because all Boundaries are self-created; They are just thoughts. That's why, whenever there is no thought in the mind, the concept of "I" or "you" will not be there. A thoughtless mind is egoless; a thoughtless mind is boundary-less,. This thoughtless mind is the infinite. Even for a single moment, if there is no thought, we are the infinite -- we are one with infinite, because without thought there can be no boundary; without thought the concept of "I or you" disappear and the divine descends and we and the whole have become one. To be in thought is to be human; to be below thought is to be animal; to be beyond thought is to be divine.
That is what Ishavasya Upanishads says, "you can take out the whole from the whole, and still the whole remains behind. You can put the whole into the whole, and still the whole remains the whole." Let us become the whole and be divine.