Wednesday, May 25, 2011
lets meditate and bring in the balance, tranquility, calmness coolness

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Man tastes bliss if he celebrates the women- the feminine " happy women's day"

Man tastes bliss if he celebrates the women- the feminine " happy women's day"
Ugliness is everywhere because man has conditioned the mind of woman in such a way that she thinks the way, man wants her to think, and made her to miss the flowering in her life
Miseries are there because man has denied the feminine part in him and denied thereby the essential of life, the spontaneity, the sensitivity, the receptivity, the celebration, the poetry, the love, the bliss of life.
And competition, conflicts aggression, anger, struggle, violence is everywhere because of male energies : competition, calculation, inventions, bombs terrorism, war, Man has moved too much towards his male energy only; friendliness and love is totally missing. Man has come to the point where either man has to change totally into love or will have to die. Really the imbalance, the absence of female energy has created havoc.
If man really wants to taste bliss he has to make feminine free, enable the feminine to flower and make this place more beautiful.
World becomes more beautiful if man stops conditioning the mind of women
Society becomes balanced if man activates the feminine in him and then
He can tastes bliss when he celebrates the women, the feminine in him
(art work source : artist priya anand pariyani of designflute.com)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Let us become farmers and with gratitude cultivate bliss,love, compassion.
Happy ‘PONGAL’ . Happy makar sankaranthi
Like the farmers of southern part of India who celebrate this festival of harvest, the celebration of fulfillment, the reaping of rich harvest. They express their gratitude to the nature especially to the sun, to their cattle. Like Buddha said we all are farmers and for us it is a kind of inner agriculture. The soil is there, the seed is ready, the climate is there. But man is not ready. It is just that the farmer has to be ready. The farmer has to be awakened and start the work. Once the farmer in us is awake, our life start taking on a new duality. We are no more poorer, no more sufferer; we start growing inner crops of richness. And once the inner crops have been reaped, One is fulfilled: One has been fruitful. Then life becomes a celebration. Then great gratitude arises, with gratitude the complaint disappears. That gratitude is prayer, that gratitude is PONGAL. The real gratitude is possible only when we start feeling an inner fulfillment and the inner fulfillment happens when we start the work of awakening. Let us also become farmers and with fulfillment (gratitude) cultivate bliss, love, compassion. Happy Pongal
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Let us pray happily that the new year conquer us and we go beyond it
Let the new year conquer us and we go beyond it
Let us receive the New Year with passive receptivity. Let us become a gesture of passive receptivity, just a womb, ready to be impregnated by the new year, waiting, welcoming, praying, but in no way expecting and seeking; no effort to conquer it. Let us remain passive and pray that we should be conquered. In our defeat is our victory; let our surrender conquer the time and take us beyond it. It is in total surrender, one reaches beyond. And it can happen any moment here, we need not go anywhere: all that is needed comes to us.
let us receive the new year with more love and gratitude
Thanks giving
for all the things I experienced
Blessed I am
For the love that happening in my life
For the sensitivity that grows in my heart
For the calmness that silence my mind
For the compassion I feel
For the understanding i seek
For the receptivity that happening
For the meditation I love
For the awareness I grow with
For the simplicity that life giving
For the air I breath
For the food I eat
For the knowing that happens in heart
For the seeing the unknown that mind witnesses
Blessed I am
For each freshness of morning breezes
For each warm activating sunrises
For each silken soothing nights
For each calming moon lights
For the twinkling of stars
For the raining clouds
For the happening of seasons
For the richness of nature
For the hugeness of mountains,
For the vastness of the seas,
For the flow of rivers
For the generosity forest
And all that surrounds me
All that comforts I avail,
All that growth I experience
All that love that guides
All that surrenders that encounters
All that gratitude that transcends
I thank you the divine
The deep power
My journey of this life is
Becoming simpler now
With no grievances, with no grudge
Making this moment of life
More enjoyable, more blessed and free.
Come, the krshnas, the Buddhas, the Jesuss, the Allahs
Let us receive the New Year
With more love, more gratitude,
And let surrender happen everywhere on its own,
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Happy Christmas
When Jesus says 'AND KNOW THAT I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD' it is very obvious for an enlightened soul to say so as it is available forever , forever. He has become part of foreverness, he has become part of eternity, he has become part of God! He cannot go anywhere. He is with us until the end of the world. And whenever we want we can partake of him. The question is are we availing him ? availing the intoxication called Jesus, availing awareness called jesus, enjoying the beauty called jesus ? The sun is there, and it is there always for ever, but if we are sitting with closed eyes, inside our room with all the windows and doors closed. How can we avail the sunlight. Let us come out become open and avail the sunlight of Jesus. And Let us Christified. ‘Happy Christmas’